February 26th, 2022

I don’t have an opinion on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Nor any knowledge on them. However, it’s so plainly obvious to me that there’s a media witch-hunt against them. I mean, I rarely read newspapers. And when I do I do my best to avoid the sections and headlines about things like celebrity culture and royal news. But even I’ve noticed the blatant witch-hunt. It’s glaring and not subtle in any way. I don’t know why they media have a bee in their bonnet about the couple. But they are openly bullying them. And it’s disgusting.

I haven’t put any photos of myself onto the web for years now. This is done quite purposefully. Because there are companies out there like Clearview AI who scoop up hundreds of millions of images featuring peoples faces and analyse them and do creepy things. The web has gotten so bad that just putting a photo of yourself onto your Twitter feed will guarantee your privacy is invaded. I mean, by uploading a photo you’re of course implicitly losing some privacy in the the respect that any person with an internet connection would potentially see it. But a person. Not a machine. I’m okay with people seeing my photo and judging it. But I’m not okay with machines seeing my photo and judging it. I’m uncomfortable enough with the fact that Apple analyses my photo library for faces and objects. But the last thing I need is some company who offer facial recognition tools to the police to be doing the same thing.

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